Monday, May 5, 2008

Kicked Out of the Noise Show for Being too Noisy (From the February Memorial)

“Last year Tim took me to Chicago to go see -- all he told me was that we were ‘going to a show’ -- and he didn’t tell me that it was a ‘noise show’, in an illegal venue, a third-floor walkup space over a furniture store, that his friends lived in, and we got there late, and so the -- I don’t want to say music -- had started, and we were walking up the stairs, and I asked Tim, ‘is the show not going to happen, are they having equipment problems?’ and he was very excited about the music, and then we got there and me and Tim were hanging out on the landing, I don’t think there was any A/C or heat in this place, and me and Tim were with about people while the show was going on, and they came out and yelled at us -- for making too much noise during the show, and locked us out. That was a fun night.”
“you got kicked out of a noise show for being too noisy?”
“And then we spent the night there, at the venue, on the floor of Tim’s friend’s bedroom -- Geoff Guy, and we were sleeping in his bedroom, and here’s his wall, and here’s the El, and so the whole room was vibrating all night.”

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